"What brings you here today?"
"Well, it's embarassing. I have pain during intercourse"
"When did that start? Is it new?"
"Well. Ummmmm....intercourse is new."
Then she asked if it hurt at the beginning or all throughout and I started turning purple and mumbled something about muscles. She said it was very common. At least she was professional. I was given a cup to pee into.
Then someone else came in with a form to sign and told me I was going to have a pelvic exam, which I thought was going to happen at a later date, that I was being referred to a gynecologist. But then she gave me a gown 'for my lower half' and left the room. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to undress and I sat there for a while. Then I undressed and sat there with a piece of paper over my lap. The doctor came back and put my feet in the stirrups and umm looked at things and put some kind of viewing device up there. It hurt hurt HURT! I had to keep breathing the whole time and apparently my muscles relaxed more and more and she could get the thingy in further but it didn't stop hurting.
She said everything looked fine and that my 'torture session' was over.
She asked if I had gotten married. I said no. Awkward silence. She asked how long I'd been with my boyfriend and I said since the summer. I died a little inside. I think those questions were unnecessary.
After I got dressed she came back for a little chat and talked to me about foreplay and fingers and penetration and it was all embarrassing. Then she told me to practice and have fun.
So that was miserable.
I was an adult virgin. He had a stroke. We have enough shit to deal with. Why are my girly bits causing so much trouble?
Side note: I still think of myself as a virgin since sex has been such a dismal failure so far.
Really really didn't want to have to tell my doctor but I didn't see any way around it.