Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Things to work on. Part Two: Health

I went to the doctor this week.  I have to have a blood test.  I've been feeling fatigued, dizzy, headachy...
I've gained weight.  Sometimes I have a pain in my side. 
In the Too Much Information category, I have ovarian cysts.  That's been a struggle I won't go into here, but I pretty much have it under control.  It's very commonly associated with diabetes so I'm a bit worried.  I preemptively put myself on a strict diet years ago.  It would be frustrating if my hard work didn't pay off.

The doctor kept asking me if I had mood swings, if I was feeling down, if I was suicidal.  It made me defensive.  I wouldn't admit to being the least bit depressed.  I'm chipper, perky and positive all the freaking time!  I was depressed a few years ago and went to counselling.  I really thought I'd beaten it.  Not that I'm happy with where I am in life at all, but I am working on changing things, instead of beating myself up and crying and feeling hopeless.  I'm convinced it's my body that's making me tired, not my brain.  After the appointment, I had doubts.  I'm really busy now with lots of fun projects, and feeling excited, but I have this feeling I'd be depressed if I ever stopped moving.  I'm not even sure what that means, but those were my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I have PCOS as well. For the longest time, I was overweight and extremely frustrated with all the thyroid tests they kept putting me through. I'm glad I'm sorted now (Hot my period this month without being on birth control. Yay!)
