Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Mixed Signals Misread


So I got that one wrong. 
Here's what happened after the festival with the geeky photographer:
Yesterday I found out they were showing one of my very favourite movies at an outdoor screening this week and I shared the event on Facebook.  Photographer said he might go.  I was a little excited that he liked this dorky movie.  Later that day he emailed me photos he'd taken of the art display.  I wrote back a quick thank you and asked how he enjoyed the festival.
This morning I got an email from him, a few paragraphs long, about the photos and the festival.  It ended with him saying he and 'The Girl' had left early on the last night, and 'see you around'.
So there's a girl.
When I saw him at the festival he had said something about looking for a girl and pointed across the audience.  I didn't hear him clearly.
 "The girl?"
 "No, not the girl, a girl."
 [Blank look on my face.] 
"I'm here with some people."

I was confused by that exchange but the conversation moved on. 
Am I just hopeless at interpreting signals?  Am I desperatately seeing things that aren't there?  Then why is he talking to me?


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