Thursday 2 May 2013

Eleanor, internet stalker

I added Big Hands as a facebook friend today and he accepted.  Way to go, Eleanor.  You met him a month ago and have managed to get an email correspondence going and 'ran into him' him three times.   Congratulations, you are a stalker.  (Okay, once was genuinely an accident, and once I accepted an invite to an event because I found out he was going to be there but I might, no probably, would have accepted anyways.  The third time was straight up stalking- I joined a discussion group he organizes)

Facebook confirms that he is single!  And he's only a year and a half younger than me.  (Also that he has lost a parent, poor guy.)

I mentioned I went to an event because Big Hands was the guest speaker.  Talked to him briefly at a break in the proceedings.  He does at least know my name.

 'I'm speaking after the break"
"Oh, are you?"  (plays dumb.)  "You're everywhere!"
"No, you're everywhere!"
"Oh, I'm only here because my friend invited me."

I talked to him again afterwards, even more briefly.  Sorta hoped he'd approach me.  no...he's talking with some of the other presenters...

The pretend-intellectual crush is getting a little more like a crush-crush but it's hard to say.  I'm really bored in that department, haven't crushed on anybody  in about a decade.  He seems to have my values and be a good guy and smart and how often do I meet men I can say that about?  NOT BLOODY OFTEN.  This does not mean we're a good match.  It simply means I can't find a reason to dislike him and he's there.  Okay, he's way cooler than that, but that still doesn't mean he's my soulmate.  Still, asking him to coffee would be a good challenge for me. What is the time frame for this?

In other news, keeping busy.  Three jobs, adding up to a whooping 16 hours a week maximum.  Woohoo!
Finally attempted to do my taxes, and can't find the paperwork I need.  Ummm, probably because I haven't updated my filing cabinet in a year, just piled stuff on top.

Had a temper tantrum at myself.  It's not like I was too busy, being unemployed and all.  Seriously, what do I do with my time?  Ignored taxes for a while, cleaned room instead.  Felt much better.  Still haven't done taxes.  2012 was a bad year for income, I'd really rather not know the total amount.
I did start a budget for myself to track where I spend money, and another spreadsheet for invoices I've issued.  OPERATION FIXMYLIFE.

1 comment:

  1. Good work on the stalking and Facebook friending! It all takes bravery and it all adds to the chances of getting to find out if there's something there. Good luck!
