Monday 10 June 2013


I was watching a nature show on public television, and a mother zebra died.  Her foal stayed by the body and tried to rouse her.  The father zebra was moving on with the migrating herd (his harem, the narrator called it) but hesitated... His harem or his son?  In the end he stayed with the foal, and had to coax it away from its mother's body, and together they tried to catch up with the herd, even though it is unclear how a father can take care of a still nursing foal.
I think the internet meme for this one is:

I do have a point, sorta, with this story.  The narrator said something while the father zebra decided what to do....something about how hard he had to fight to become the 'alpha zebra' (haha, alphabet joke) and how it was the meaning of his existence....but he chose his son.

And there was just this realization about the whole 'passing on your gene' thing that I don't always get.  It's a biological imperative, it's what all life on earth is trying to do.
And that's probably not going to be something I'll do with my life.
It was a weird moment.

Maybe I'm so into this 'saving the world' stuff in a desperate search for meaning for my little life...

I've written about another camp leader at my summer job who is a really great guy and I sorta was intrigued by him, if not quite crushing on him.  Just realized today that he and Dawn are together.  Dawn is another camp leader who doesn't shave her legs (which I'm totally cool with, just trying to describe her) and teaches survivalist outdoor skills for a living.
I'm not sure if they were always together or if this has happened over the last six weeks.  Did everybody else know?  I saw them talking quietly together at the last meeting and a suspicion crossed my mind, even though it was just a short exchange I witnessed.  I wouldn't have figured it out today if he hadn't brought her a flower.
It's not that I wanted him for myself so much much as I was once again completely clueless that this was going on.
How do two people get together anyways?  What is this magic process?

I try to tell myself that my greatest adventure is still to come, that I will get to go through the excitement of falling in love....

but I don't know how long I have to wait.  maybe a long time...

I am slowly going crazy.


  1. Feeling the same way and wondering if it will ever get easier with time....

  2. Yep same here. How do people find each other, figure it out and then get together?? Goes over my poor head :( I will sometimes listen to a song and think 'I want to experience that!', but I also wonder if falling in love is the most pivotal thing in life (after all couples fall in and out of love everyday) surely there are other more important things?
    I hope so anyway,
