Tuesday 4 December 2012

Health woes

So I wrote a few weeks ago that my period started early, even though I'm on birth control.  Then it didn't stop...it was more than two weeks and getting heavier.  I went back to the clinic last week, saw a new young female doctor who didn't seem worried but sent me for a blood test anyways.  I got the results today from my regular doctor- I'm really anemic and have to start taking iron pills.

Yesterday and today I've had bad back pains.  Over the last year, I've been having some back pain just before my period, and if I stood for a long period of time.  I didn't know why it was happening.  Was it because I was out of shape and had gained weight?  Was it hormonal?  Was it just because I have a freakishly long torso?  I just vowed to do my 'yoga for the spine' video more often.
Today I'm absolutely crippled by back pain.  I've tried to stretch it out and nothing's worked.  I told the doctor and he didn't seem that concerned.  I'm going to get an X-ray tomorrow.  The thing is, I'm also having pains in my pelvis, some aches under the hip bone and some sharp pinching lower in the groin.  Endometriosis has been mentioned as a possibility.

I've been going to this doctor my whole life.  My mom says he doesn't pay attention to women's complaints. Years ago, she and my dad both went to see this doctor on the same day for chest pains.  Dad was given a whole litany of tests and Mom was sent away.

I've just had a two week long period and I'm having pelvic pains.  Doctor does nothing.

I'm lying on the floor right now with the laptop on my knees.  I'm in quite a lot of pain.
I'm worried about why this is happening and how behind I'm getting on my projects.

In other news, Walrus was quite supportive today and was getting updates frequently.  I told him I really appreciated it.

I was surprised to find a message from the Jasper fellow on OKC.  He said he's game to meet me still.  What?  I've been about as negative as possible about our compatibility, but I said yes.  (a sort of 'Oh sure, what the hell' kinda yes in my head)  A date is tentatively set for next week.

With the health worries and the death of my choir friend, not to mention the lack of employment, I am getting a bit down.   Just thinking about Operation FML and how I'm going to put it in place.  I need to figure out my goals and a plan.

 There's a big environmental organization that had a call in their newsletter for delegates to go to training in (faraway exotic country) to learn how to organize a movement in their home towns.  I started to fill out the application form and realized I wouldn't get chosen.  I have no experience as a community organizer.  It was a brief fantasy of this amazing adventure I was going to have, and the kind of person I was going to be.
I still have the dream of working to change the world, or my community, maybe as a job, maybe as a volunteer.

I don't know.  I can't move, so all I can do is lie here and stew.


  1. Sorry to hear about your pains - that sounds really horrible. I find it really difficult to do things or even think straight when I'm feeling unwell. Maybe it's time to try a different doctor, if that's possible? Even if just for a second opinion? It sounds unhelpful that your doctor takes this less seriously than you do. I've seen some really helpful doctors and some really unhelpful ones and it makes a massive difference. When you're already in pain it's no fun adding the burden of trying to convince some unsympathetic authority figure to address your concerns properly.

  2. Hey Pear, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend as well as your health issues. Once a friend (who has Multiple Sclerosis) gave me a piece of valuable advice - keep going to doctors until you get the answers you want to hear...so it's good to get second and third opinions. I know of women who suffer like you with anemia and you are not alone. Hopefully you will get proper treatment. Good luck with OKC and Operation FML. I think your passion for environmental causes will be your key. Even if you think you won't get a job or position, still apply because you never know unless you try. You also have to fail many times before you succeed.

  3. Thanks for the words of support. Every once in a while I think it's really weird that I do this blog, but it's been a great outlet for me, and it's nice to think I get advice from people I will never meet!
    Yes, I intend to switch to one of the new female doctors at the clinic. I am feeling better but still being very cautious with my back.
