Wednesday 31 August 2016

Second Date

Well, we seem to like each other.
Silver Fox phoned to say he would be late.  I met him at the bus and we went to my studio and I showed him what I was working on.  It was fun at first but then I got embarrassed by the 'show and tell'.
We walked up to a pub for dinner and we played Scrabble.
I was not really feeling it.  He's very intellectual and wanted to discuss philosophy and politics constantly.  Which I like, but I was having trouble keeping up with the jargon and was a bit worried he was emotionally locked up or something.  And he has small feminine hands that are a bit disappointing.
The board game helped us relax I think.  I had a girly drink, so I got a bit light headed.  He just had coffee.

The pub was crowded and noisy so we went for a walk and ended up in a park.  And I asked somewhat personal questions and at last we were really talking.  I could get a sense of who he was.
He is very shy.  Very very shy.  But he did manage to ask me out (not even 24 hours after his breakup).

We talked about the environment, and childhood (he was bullied) and family and it was getting dark and we looked at the stars.  He asked if I liked OKCupid.  I laughed.  Uh, no.  I told him about the guy who wanted me to grow my hair long.  I said quietly, 'You're the only person I ever messaged'
He said, I'm honoured.

Finally I said I couldn't sit any longer and we walked back to the bus.  He got quiet.  He said something about wishing there were better movies out, which I think was a lead up to planning a second date but we got sidetracked talking about movies.

Another pause, and he said "I'm glad you messaged me because I like you."

I slipped my hand into his.  He said, "you have soft hands.  Well, one, anyways."

We let go to go on a narrow part of the path and he didn't pick it up again when we were walking side by side again.  I was wondering how this was going to end when he said, "I get very shy about these things but would it be okay if I kissed you goodnight?"  And I turned and faced him and we did two short kisses.  He has a bit of suction to his kisses!  Nerdboy didn't kiss much.

His bus came, another quick kiss and a wave goodbye.
He wrote to say he had a great time and hopes to hang out soon.

I feel excited.  A bit of confusion.  Nerdboy is still around.  We saw a movie together last week, and text frequently.  And his parents are moving to Small City and he said he was  seriously thinking of moving there too.  Specifically, because I had suggested he come with me if I go.  (On the night we cuddled on his couch)

I can't help but compare the old with the new.  Silver Fox can converse at a much deeper level than Nerdboy.  But he is also very shy and dislikes loud and noisy environments.  He can't cook or drive and I'm guessing he's not good at fixing or building.  I would say Nerdboy and I had a more similar sense of fun.   So Nerdboy got a bit of a nostalgia glow for a moment, but there were also real problems in empathy and closeness.

So.  How to draw boundaries with Nerdboy?  Should I move cities?  Should I not be dating if leaving?

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that it went pretty well. Nice to have some excitement as well as confusion! You already had confusion before, so this seems like a positive development. I think it's OK to date even if you might be moving, as long as you don't go to great lengths to hide the possibility.
