Thursday 2 August 2012

Goal Setting

This is a screen shot from my goal tracking page on Joe's Goals.  Having a goal to work towards is a big part of a happy life.  Feeling that you've accomplished something, no matter how small, is a way to get out of depression.
Anyways, just thought I'd share my daily and weekly goals.  Joe's Goals is pretty easy to use.  I've set up quite a complicated system!  You can see from the picture that some goals are weighted some more heavily than others, and some actions give me a negative score.  Cleaning and drawing all day might rack up the points, but it isn't a balanced life- I take off 3 points if I don't leave the house.  Meeting a new person (male or female) and getting their contact info would give 10 points, but I haven't managed to do it yet.   Charlie is my dog.  Update blog means my art blog, not this one.

The picture is cut off, but the bottom of each column shows the total score for each day.

I need to finesse it a little, but you get the idea.   What do you do to keep you on track with your goals?

1 comment:

  1. I don't have goals. I know what I need to do, it is just inside me, so I just live each day the best I can. If there are specific things I know I need to do I just do them. If a task seems too big or overwhelming then I make myself take 15 or 20 minutes each day and after a few days it is done.
