Sunday 2 September 2012


1.  Walrus' mom wrote to me to let me know the place next doors to hers was for sale.  (His parents live in a townhouse, and my mother had once expressed an interest to his mother about downsizing.)  So, are me and mom supposed to live next door to my ex's parents?  WORST IDEA EVER.  (And tells you all you need to know about his mom.)

2.  You know how couples who break up sometimes get back together and have sex One Last Time?  Has anybody every gotten back together to have sex One First Time?  Because, you know, I think I would seriously consider doing that if the situation came up.  I can't believe I said that.

3.  Sent Walrus the first 'weekly-check-in' email and got a reply.  He is indeed going crazy not having his own place.  Other than that, fairly short communication on both sides.  I still cry at night, but slowly healing, I think.

4. Drove down to the festival with a couple, common-law partners for 15 years, and their one-year old daughter.  He was driving, took a wrong turn, and they spent the next 15 minutes bickering about whose fault it was.  I was uncomfortable.  He's a psychiatrist.  I kinda had this idea that psychiatrists were trained in avoiding these petty conflicts.  If they can't get along, who can?

5.  It is beginning to dawn on me that dating and finding somebody for the long-term might be a piece of cake compared to actually living with them for the rest of your life.  Making a partnership work is crazy-hard.  Could I do it?

6.  Babysat friends' daughter during festival so they could see a loud concert.  Baby and me got along fine.  I  imagined she was my daughter and freaked myself out.

7.  I left the internship on Friday just amazed at some glaring acts of stupidity by the other interns.  Most notably, on my day off, they had hung up a sign I had made.  They had put big loops of string coming off the sign, and then attached the loops to a pipe along the ceiling with plastic Zap Straps (also known as zip ties).

Zip ties are expensive and made of plastic and will last for a THOUSAND YEARS.  There is a good chance that in those thousand years, some bird or fish or whatever survives global warming will eat that plastic zip tie.
Also, it shows a complete lack of understanding on how to operate string.  It has this amazing ability to be tied around things, such as pipes...

8.  I can't wait until this internship is over.  The festival starts this week, and I'm going to be busy.  And will I meet E?  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on mostly sticking with your Walrus communication plan - I'm glad to hear that it's hopefully starting to help. And I certainly hope that you do meet E - only way to find out how things might go!
