Saturday 23 March 2013


I'm in a super bad mood right now and I'm writing because I don't know what else to do with myself.
This two week gig is very frustrating, but I survived one week of it, and thought I'd sorta learned the ropes.  I  got the plan for Week Two yesterday, and sent some suggestions for changes by email.  My manager wrote back rejecting the changes.  She gave reasons that seem flimsy to me but I don't want to argue, so I guess I'll just stop offering ideas.  It wasn't like I was trying to get out of work; I am sincerely trying to make a better experience for the kids.

I have a feeling that if I'd phrased things just right, I could have gotten my way.  I wasn't rude, but I did point out why I wanted to change the plan (ie. what was wrong with the plan) and I guess she got a tiny bit defensive.  Too late now, but I've thought of a lighter way to suggest the changes that would have skirted the real reasons behind them.

Some people are so good at tactfully leading (manipulating) people into the direction they want them to go.  I am not.  I say things too bluntly, because I am better at dealing with ideas than people.  I'm from the arts- where everyone had a vision and fought for it, and no one took it personally because the best idea would win, and that was good for the final product.

With this particular gig, I'm in a weird position of being in the middle in seniority, the oldest in actual years lived and the most experienced in some ways, and yet I don't know the ins and outs of this particular work environment, so I depend on the younger coworkers to help me find things, or explain policies to me.  And I wasn't there for the planning, so I'm out of the loop and apparently, my suggestions aren't welcomed.  I feel a bit isolated socially as well.
Good thing it's only four more days.

I am so so critical.  It's weird, because I am so insecure about myself in so many ways and yet when I watch people organize something badly, I draw up a plan in my head for how I would do it better, and then get really frustrated that I am unemployed and these bozos in charge have great jobs.

And in general I am having a small freak-out in my head.  It isn't showing yet, but I'm having trouble keeping it together.  I felt my eyes watering on the bus this morning, and missed my stop because I was wallowing in self-pity and loneliness.

I'm physically tired from work, and the cough is coming back.  I had some evening activities planned, but by mid-week I stopped going to them and napped when I got home.  Another Friday and Saturday night on the couch with the computer.  I'd really like some quality social time with a good friend- I love deep conversations and I rarely get to have them.

I keep typing sad phrases into Google: "how do I change my life?"  "How do I meet people?"  And just now, "I get frustrated with stupid people"- that one came up with weird stuff.

To admit this is really embarrassing.  What a way to spend my valuable time.  I just keeping looking for easy answers.  They must be on the Internet!  They must be!  And I check my email and facebook constantly- maybe someone will think of me and contact me!  Maybe I'll get an OKC message!  Nope.
I should just shut down the computer and draw, or read or clean, or be productive while I'm lonely, but I get into this state where some kind of connection with other human beings becomes all-important and I try and make the Internet fill the void.  Many posts are written here when I get like that.
Gawd just reading this makes me want to cry.
This week I've been so tired, I haven't been able to get much done, and I've spent too much time on OKC, typing in other major cities across North America to see how many 99% matches there are in each one.  (Seattle, apparently, is the city I'd do best in)
No one's contacted me on OKC for a while- I'm not 'fresh meat' anymore and I hardly even get any visitors.  I said I wasn't even going to think about dating for a bit, and that I didn't want to do online dating at all....but obviously browsing profiles fulfills some kind of need for me.  I can pretend, I can daydream...

I've also been trying to find articles about changing habits.  I find a lot of people who are trying to make a living offering self-help blogs, and am really not impressed by that.  Most articles say 'change one habit at a time', but I can't pick one- I need everything to change now!  I don't have months to work on each one.  But aim too high and you will surely fail.  Small changes are better.  It's a transition and it's not going to be smoothly linear.



  1. Main question: what do you actually, personally, want for yourself from this gig, and why is it important to you?

    If you are in there for the money, you can rest relieved in the knowledge that it will be over very soon, you will get your pay, go home and not see any of this circus again. If you are in there because of the need to bolster up your CV, again – it will soon be over, you will have something to write about (even if it was totally pointless), and you got what you wanted (which is the main thing).
    If you are there because you wanted to share with kids your ideas about art, or because you wanted to learn something, take this as a chance to learn from this experience. What exactly was wrong about this gig? Why wasn’t it suitable for me especially? Would I want to do anything of this kind in the future? What benefits did it give me, if any? What could I learn from here, or do differently if I had the chance to replay it?
    A smart thing could be to try and befriend somebody quieter, but who seems to know their way around the place, and go about with them. First – you might make a useful networking contact. Secondly – you will not be alone, and there might be someone who you actually like, and to whom you can talk to. Thirdly – if you want to became “accepted” in this particular place, it would be easier to do this way.
    Also, if the boss is totally nutty and bossy, so that Napoleon looks like a kindergartner next to them, the best bet is to clinch your teeth and do (or pretend to do) as your boss says. Do as they suggest once, and when the project fails, don’t let them say you did not warn anyone. It’s very annoying to see such clowns occupying nice cushy jobs whilst you have to do as they say – but believe me: have faith, and it will change!
    As for Seattle – don’t ignore it altogether. Why would you think that Seattle suits you the best? It might be worthwhile to research the place, what is on there, talk to folks from there, maybe to save up a bit and to go there for a short “break” or something. You just might need a change of scene to get out of the rut.
    Habit changing – how about picking 3 different habits that need changing for a start, and just start doing things differently? And when you lapse, you just pull together and start again. Eventually it will become a part of your new, happier life.

  2. The gig is just because I'm not doing anything better, it's work, and it might lead to contacts. I'd like to be able to do what I do best, but I feel like I'm communicating what I need and still not getting support from my manager. She's probably 10 years younger than me, just inexperienced. Sample conversation- Me: "We probably should have had plastic bags for the kids to take that messy craft project (jars filled with liquid) home in." Her: "Yeah, but I didn't know what size jars the kids were going to bring so it's hard to find bags for that." Ummmm, sure. Plastic bags are soooooooooo hard to find. All her excuses are like that, totally ridiculous and yet she says them completely cheerfully. I would love to let her plans fail, but I don't want the kids to have a bad experience, so I have to keep working behind the scenes I guess.

    Seattle was just a joke. There was a high percentage of hippy guys there, that's all. I love Canada and universal health care; I'm not leaving. Moving to a different Canadian city might be a possibility.
