Thursday 7 March 2013

Hoping like a dope

Newfie didn't answer.  I still have a tiny bit of hope, but mostly I'm going through the Rejection Blues.
Oh well.  It was still progress for me to get that far.

I liked him, but somehow couldn't imagine bringing him unto my messy house, my scattered life....some people I just trust not to judge, and I didn't get that feeling with him.  I need someone with sensitivity, someone who's failed and gotten back up again... I don't know.  Some magic quality that I'm looking for and not finding.

I'm really going crazy.   Crazy crazy crazy with longing for someone who picks me.  For a relationship that feels right and healthy and fun.  I HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH.

Desperately combing OKC for someone to Crush on next.  Or even three people I think I wouldn't mind meeting and forcing myself to write....I'm too picky.  I am unmoved and uninterested by them all.  Just want somebody to throw all my hopes at- even if they're going to get squashed later, there'll be a few days or weeks of having something to look forward to and dream about.  Because looking around and not finding any potential meetable people anywhere is terrifying.  I want something so badly and I don't know where to start looking.

Finding dates is Problem One.  Telling them about where I am in life at present is Problem Two.  Telling them about my difficulties with intercourse is Problem Three.

After hearing Newfie talk about his sports and fitness activities, I went and looked for some I could join.  Found a women's indoor soccer drop-in near my house, so will try that next week.  I will have no free evenings and no money but I have to exercise.  And that sparked a renewed resolve in me- if I don't want to feel embarrassed about my life, then I have to do whatever it takes to change it.  It will take time, but I need to keep looking for work, and be professional and top of my game at the jobs I do have lined up.  I need to make sure all volunteering and extracurricular activities I'm involved in are a good use of my time.  I need to eat right and get active and lose these extra pounds I didn't use to have.  I might need to think about my appearance more.  And clean the bloody house.

And stay positive and hopeful and try hard not to be cynical and bitter.

A song to hope by, sung by the adorable Blossom Dearie.

Pretending that we'll meet, 
everytime I turn the corner
Pretending life is sweet, 
Cause love's around the corner,
I walk a little faster

Can't begin to see my future shine, as yet
No sign, as yet, you are mine, as yet.
Rushing to a face I cant define, as yet.
Keep bumping into walls, and taking lots of falls

And even though I meet 'round each and every corner,
with nothing but disaster.

I set my chin a little higher,I hope a little longer
Build a little stronger castle in the air
And thinking you'll be there,
I walk a little faster


  1. Just saw that Newfie was online on OKC. Okay, pretty sure he's not just too busy to write to me then. So do I unfriend him on facebook or what?

  2. Don't unfriend him just as yet. Let him sit there for a while - I don't know how about you, but I seldom delete any old contacts, apart from the cases when somebody has been downright openly rude or unkind. But don't feel compelled to write anything to him, or to message him, or poke him, or send him anything. Sit still and see how it turns out - and meanwhile, concentrate on searching for other matches or doing something to benefit your own life!

    1. "...or doing something to benefit your own life!"

      Yes! I agree with CelticMuse. I read above that you were doing things that you think will endear yourself to this new guy, like joining a soccer league. It's a good idea to try new things, but only if you truly want to, not because you're trying to impress a guy. You want to meet someone who'll be attracted to the real you, not a facade.

  3. The soccer- ok, I was embarrassed to tell him I didn't do any exercise and that sparked me to look for something I could do. I'm not sure I joined to impress him (he'll never know about it now!)
    It's more that I have to decide who I want to be, and go be it. I used to play soccer. I want to be active. Seemed like a good thing to try.
    It will probably make me healthier and possibly happier so even if I was doing it to impress people, I'd still benefit. If I stick with it, it'll be because it's right for me.
