Sunday 7 July 2013

small things, no progress yet but still truckin'

Bought the vintage bike.  Now have to restore it AND learn how to ride.  Foolish purchase, but I loved it.

I went to see another collective house.  Well that was their intention for it but when I saw it, it was two people in a newly-rented ugly pink stucco box trying to get two more roommates.  They thought the house was charming, I thought it was tacky.  The two upstairs bedrooms shared a bathroom between them.  I didn't want to share a bathroom with a strange man.  They didn't seem to be into the environment all that much.  The woman had three vehicles and talked about installing a hot tub.  The location was beautiful though, right next to a park.  Still, didn't get a good feeling and walked away.
I'm starting to look at ads for roommates on craigslist.  Not the collective living situation I'm dreaming of, but I start my searches with 'compost' or 'environment' to find like-minded people.

There is the small issue of being unemployed in September, except for one teaching gig.
And not having any references from landlords...

I'm back volunteering for my favourite festival (of the many I work with) and am so happy to be with people I like, doing what I'm good at.  Realizing how battered my self-esteem is right now.

There was a small excitement when Big Hands wrote to me asking to borrow some equipment I have, but in the end he didn't need it.
I went to another environmental conference, yes I thought he might be there and he wasn't, and the event was poorly organized so I left early.  Maybe I'm just tired of the same old faces talking about the same old problems, and no solutions or actions coming from it.

Today I was going to go to another environmental event I knew Big Hands would be at, but uh..
Too Much Information warning:
I had a upset tummy and diarrhea this morning.  I've never had diarrhea before in my life so that was an experience.  I guess it's fairly common and you don't have to go to the doctor for it, I was a bit concerned but found some medicine in the bathroom and it stopped.  Still feel a bit drained.  Ugh.

Good thing I wasn't camping this weekend!  What a way to spend my weekend off- going to environmental things and being sick.

About the environmental events, I found myself thinking that I need to attend these things to meet other 'green' people.  These issues are on my mind daily, and they're not so important to people in my current network of friends.  I'm reading all these books and am longing to discuss new ideas with people.  And yeah, I've got my eye out for single men.  If I'm not going to do online dating, I need other avenues to meet people.  Staying at home isn't going to work.  And finding a life partner, it's an economical choice as much as a personal happiness one.  It's expensive to live alone for a life time.

Plus, every night when I crawl into bed alone, I go crazy with loneliness.  Most miserable hour of my day.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the bike, at least now you can paint it any colour you want! And it'll keep you busy learning new skills :) Sorry you were sick, sucks :(
    Do you have a pet? I find even if it's just a dog/cat/rat that's happy to see you it still feels uplifting :)
