Wednesday 17 July 2013

stay tuned

I think I'll go for the roommate thing and be moved out before September.  Eek!
Also I got a message on POF that wasn't horrible and I wrote back, even though his profile had a grammatical error.  Night's.  Arrrgh!  You don't need apostrophes to make a noun plural; you just add an 's'.  So I pointed out his error and answered his questions about books.  And he wrote back quite a long thing that was amusing, and was gracious about me being a grammar freak.  He likes Muppets and peanut butter, same as me. 
Also, I am down 15 pounds from my heaviest when I was in school.  I haven't really changed my habits; I suppose not being in a stressful situation that made me unhappy was all it took.
Now, if only I can find some sources of income for the fall, other than a few hours of teaching.


  1. Sounds good on several fronts - I think it's a good sign that the POF guy wasn't insulted by your grammar lesson!

  2. Hey, good luck with both :)

  3. Wow, congratulations on the progress you've been making. Impressive!
