Tuesday 23 April 2013

Another little rejection

Now, I'm not too upset because I didn't think it was right for me either, but I got an email this morning from Collective House Two saying they didn't think it was a good fit but it was nice to meet me.  Oh, and they found my art on the internet and liked it.

Do I want feedback from these rejections or not?  For jobs, it might be helpful.  I'd know what training or experience I'm missing.   For dates, for roommates...knowing is probably hurtful.  I wonder if the first impression I give doesn't represent me well.  I tend to get quiet, very polite, a little tiny bit nervous.
Did they think I couldn't pay rent?  Cook well enough?  Were they worried that I'd never lived on my own before?  Oh, the Catch-22 of lack of experience.  Can't get a job, can't get a date, can't move out because I'm supposed to have already done it all by now.


  1. Even the smartest and the coolest people sometimes fail the "first impressions" test. Whatever happens, it happens for the best.
    You did not like the 2nd house too well after all, didn't you? All the better - imagine what it would have been like, to be stuck with a bunch of people you don't particularly like or care about, squabbling about who left a dirty dish in the sink and other such nice things? By the way, from the way you described these people, it may seem that the woman in question secretly may want the space to be just for herself and her partner and her baby - at any rate, it did not sound like a perfect arrangement the first time round!
    Don't get discouraged by this rejection. Keep looking, you will certainly find something to suit you!


  2. I liked the woman the best of the bunch, and she just moved in, so I don't think she wanted the space for her brood. He is her ex, after all.
    I don't really need to speculate on what they didn't like about me. Maybe she was worried her ex would hit on me, maybe the two of them didn't like the way I held the baby...maybe it was because I said I didn't like spicy food. I sorta feel it was the older man who was most against me. But, I don't know and have no way of knowing, so all my ideas are just theories.
    The outcome is the best outcome. I was upset more that it was another rejection to go through, another first impression I didn't shine at...
